Artworks created by thirty homeless children and internationally acclaimed artists Chris Johanson and Johanna Jackson are taking on a new life. The initial artwork was made in Portland through the facilities of TMT Development, and in partnership with New Avenues for Youth.
The artwork entitled Billions and Billions of People is now being cut into size-able artworks for people to purchase for their homes. They will be auctioned off from New Avenues for Youth and The Good Mod was able to help this become a reality!
The panels once used to hide an embarrassing construction site were strategically cut down to form the new artworks.
The event features a DJ, signature cocktails, and Billions and Billions merchandise available for purchase. All proceeds benefit New Avenues for Youth’s services for foster, at-risk and homeless youth.
Avenues of Art: Billions and Billions
June 25, 2015
Director Park - downtown Portland
4pm - 8pm